UN Challenge for Schools

What’s the missing Global Goal?

7 years ago, world leaders from 193 countries did something amazing… They agreed on something!

The leaders of the UK, China, Nigeria, USA, India, Russia – and many, many more – all made a historic agreement: The Global Goals for Sustainable Development, or SDGs. 17 goals to make the world more fair, more peaceful, and more green. The world’s To-Do list.

How old were you when the Goals were agreed? A lot has changed since then. The 17 Goals are still our To-Do list to bring about a better world. But do you think there’s anything missing?

Introducing a new challenge!

We’re very excited to be working with the World’s Largest Lesson to launch a new challenge: Design a new Global Goal and share it with us

  • What is the title of your Goal? Name it
  • What is the logo? Draw or design it!
  • Why is your goal needed? Share some data!
  • What are the targets to achieve your Goal? Describe it!

We’re gathering ideas from students around the world to take to New York City for the 2024 United Nations General Assembly!

Deadline to enter: 19th July 2024. Shortlisted schools will be notified by 6th September and these entries will be taken to New York for the 2024 United Nations General Assembly.

Register your school

How to enter

All entries must be submitted on the Global School Alliance platform by a teacher.

Once you have registered your school’s participation, you will be invited to join the project group space where you can access supporting resources and submit your students’ entries.

Who can enter

The competition is open to all schools in primary and secondary age groups.

All submissions must be sent by a teacher account on the Global School Alliance platform.

Please refer to ‘How to Enter‘ for further guidance.

What are the prizes for the shortlisted entries?

The shortlisted entries will be taken to New York for the 2024 United Nations General Assembly and presented to world leaders.

When is the deadline?

19th July 2024.

Join the challenge!