Introducing the Back to School
Virtual Education Conference
The Global School Alliance are excited to announce our first Virtual Education Conference, the first of which will be all about the return to school and how teachers can better navigate these uncertain times.
The conference takes place June 17th, 4-6pm, GMT time.
Attendees will hear from a handful of education experts from around the world, all of whom are either in the process of reopening their school to students or who have already successfully eased into their ‘new normal’. You’ll have the chance to ask questions, share your own experiences, and all attendees will receive access to free resources that will help them on their way.

Conference Overview
The last few months have been a trying time for teachers and educators around the world.
Following the closure of schools in March, most with less than a couple of days’ notice, teachers were plunged into unknown territory that many had never encountered in their teaching careers before. Online remote learning became the new norm for schools and families everywhere, and most had to learn on their feet – navigating the tricky waters of safeguarding, student support, managing workload and getting to grips with new software…all whilst juggling the education and well-being of their own children as well, which was the reality for many.
(Of course, most schools did not close entirely, but remained open for vulnerable students and the children of key workers.)
Now, schools are beginning to slowly and strategically open their doors to more students, following the easing of lockdown rules.
Though it is no longer likely that all primary school students will return to school, the reality is that schools will now be welcoming back as many students as they are able to teach, under the new strict social distancing measures.
Teaching in ‘bubbles’, one-way systems and staggered playtimes and lunchtimes are just some of the strategies being implemented by schools around the world. However, for many teachers and educational leaders, this is still a completely new way of educating, and cannot be done in a vacuum.
Meet the Guest Speakers
Abby Miles – England
Lead Sports Coach at Perry Court E-ACT Academy
Abby is known for innovative PE resources, which she shares across her network on Twitter. During the conference she will be predominantly discussing how she has curated lessons with little/no equipment, whilst remaining in line with social distancing guidelines.
Darren Leslie – Scotland
Physical Education teacher in a large secondary school; founder of the Becoming Educated podcast
Darren specialises in using edtech in schools, along with championing blended learning.
He’ll br speaking about how his school in Scotland will be going back to a blended learning model of schooling after the covid-19 crisis.
Malin Liss – Sweden
Teacher at Fristadsskolan Secondary School
Malin will discuss how her secondary school has managed to stay open throughout the pandemic – Sweden is the only place in Europe that has chosen a completely different path from the very beginning.
Dr. Paul Heery – UK
Headteacher at Bramcote College and CEO of The White Hills Academy Trust
As a headteacher and trust leader, Dr Heery will be discussing how he is reopening his schools in a way that makes students feel safe, supported and stimulated.
Register Now
The Back-To-School Virtual Education Conference is a fantastic opportunity for educators looking to streamline their return-to-school strategy and arm themselves with the best tips and advice from those who’ve done it.
Register now for your free place via the button below.