GSA Code of Conduct

All Global School Alliance members and their events, messages, posts, projects’ materials and everything published on the Global School Alliance platform must adhere to, and comply with the three core values of the United Nations — Integrity, Professionalism and Respect for Diversity.


  • Be open and transparent – share information and context for your decisions.
  • Take responsibility – be accountable for your choices and outcomes.
  • Do what you say – raise the bar through your actions.


  • Be polite and friendly in all communication.
  • Speak and write clearly and effectively.
  • Demonstrate openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
  • Show respect for staff from other schools and institutions.

Respect for Diversity

  • Listen and amplify – ensure all voices are heard.
  • Give and take feedback -look for the positive and be constructive.
  • Help others to succeed – know your strengths and leverage others.
  • Work effectively with people from all backgrounds.
  • Treat all people with dignity and respect
  • Treat men and women equally including LGBT
  • Shows respect for and understanding of diverse points of view and demonstrate understanding.
  • Do not discriminate against any individual or group.
  • Be tolerant.

Rules for Members of the Global School Alliance

  1. No threats, bullying or harassment
    The Global School Alliance does not tolerate bullying or harassment. If you are victim of cyberbullying or someone is threatening you while using any of the Global School Alliance communication channels), please report the message or contact using the blue “REPORT” button at the bottom of each post and share your reasons for reporting. You can also contact the Organiser of your group. The Report button enables you to alert moderators about: harassment, inappropriate content, misinformation, offensive or derogatory content, suspicious of fake content, other content that is a concern. Anyone caught bullying or harassing other members of the platform may be permanently banned from the Global School Alliance.
  1. Intellectual property
    Ensure that the content you upload to the platform does not infringe any copyright. Before sharing pictures, videos, documents or any other resources, please make sure you have the right to do so. Upload video to YouTube or Vimeo and then paste the link on the Global School Alliance. Check and adhere to copyright notices.
  1. Impersonation
    Global School Alliance members cannot impersonate other individuals or groups/organisations they do not represent in a manner that is intended to or does mislead, confuse, or deceive others.
  1. Safeguarding of Students (minors)
    The Global School Alliance takes students’ privacy and safety seriously. Always ensure you follow your school or institution safeguarding and image policies. Ensure you have parents’ consent unless pupils are not recognisable or identifiable. Do not add the names pupils’ in photos.
  1. Private information and Sensitive data
    Be thoughtful about the content you post that relates to others. You should not share your or other Global School Alliance members private information – such as personal phone numbers and addresses, credit card details or other private information – or intimate pictures and videos. Always think before you post!
  2. Do not use the Global School Alliance for commercial purposes.
    It’s strictly prohibited to use the platform for commercial purposes. Any company, initiative, event or software with a commercial intent will be removed, as will their access to the platform itself.
  3. Do not use for Solicitation of Financial Aid and Charity Donations
    Our platform is dedicated to fostering collaboration and educational engagement. To maintain this focus, users are strictly prohibited from soliciting charity donations or financial aid. This includes, but is not limited to, direct requests for financial assistance, promotion of fundraising activities, or links to crowdfunding platforms. We understand the importance of supporting charitable causes; however, we believe such activities should be conducted through appropriate channels to ensure transparency and accountability. Any violation of this clause may result in immediate suspension or termination of the user’s account.

Violation of the Code of Conduct

What can you do if you feel that another Global School Alliance member is not respecting the GSA Code of Conduct?

In case you encounter posts, events or comments in forums, news feed,  receive a private message, or see content that is offensive, infringes copyright or data protection, or you simply find inappropriate, you can use the blue “REPORT” button in groups or at the bottom of each post and share your reasons for reporting. You can also contact the Organiser of your group. The Report button enables you to alert moderators about: harassment, inappropriate content, misinformation, offensive or derogatory content, suspicious of fake content, other content that is a concern.

How to report content

What happens if somebody is not respecting the Code of Conduct?
Failure to comply with the rules included in this Code of Conduct constitutes a violation of its terms and may result in temporary or permanent removal of any posting or material uploaded to the Global School Alliance at any time, without prior notice. In such cases, the authors of the materials and their group organiser, school or institutions will be informed and reasons for the removal will be provided. Users who do not comply with the Code of Conduct may also be banned, temporarily or permanently, from the Global School Alliance. In case of dispute, the Global School Alliance Safeguarding Policy will be used to determine an appropriate course of action. Illegal acts or offences of any kind will be reported to the appropriate authorities as well as the police.