Laura O'Neill at Bower Park Academy reflects on an unforgettable experience

We were delighted to host 63 international students at Bower Park Academy, showcasing the power, value, and impact of authentic global communication and collaboration. Our experience underpins the significance of hosting in schools, providing a vibrant example of how such exchanges can enrich the educational landscape.

To ensure this experience was successful, we were meticulous with our planning and organisation for the event. Each international visitor was paired with a buddy from our school, we wanted to ensure students immediately formed connections therefore, we had each of our students present their buddies with their official lanyard to wear throughout their visits.

Many of our students have already remained in contact with our visitors and are regularly providing me with updates about what else they have done since visiting London. This is evidence of the friendships that have been formed.

The core aim of this exchange was to provide our students with opportunities that transcend the traditional classroom setting. We believe in the importance of exposing students to diverse cultures and global perspectives. By bringing these experiences into our school, we mitigated the logistical challenges of external trips while still offering the richness of cultural exchange.

Mr. Aylett, our Principal, firmly advocates for every individual’s right to access cultural experiences beyond the classroom. This belief is the driving force behind initiatives like this, where the world comes to our doorstep, making global learning a tangible reality for our students.

Hosting international students has numerous benefits, both immediate and long-lasting. Our students gained first-hand insights into different cultures, fostering a greater sense of global citizenship.

Our students gained first-hand insights into different cultures, fostering a greater sense of global citizenship.

These interactions nurtured empathy, understanding, and a broader worldview, equipping our students with invaluable skills for the future.

We wanted to create opportunities for the students to learn from each other therefore, we factored in time for students to create presentations about their cultures which was presented on the last day. This activity allowed all the students involved to not only work on their teamwork and presenting skills but, to also learn how to embrace our similarities and differences in our cultures and to celebrate them with pride!

Moreover, the visiting students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in our educational environment, sharing their perspectives and learning from our community. This two-way exchange enriched both our students and our visitors, creating a vibrant tapestry of shared knowledge and experiences. Students embraced the opportunity to embark on a range of lessons such as: a science experiment, English literature lessons and a classic game of British dodgeball!

This event highlighted Bower Park Academy’s commitment to fostering global collaboration and communication. By embracing such opportunities, we continue to provide our students with a holistic education that prepares them for a diverse and interconnected world.

John Rolfe MBE said: “The enriching global dimensions of teaching and learning have always been at the very heart of the Global School Alliance. It was fantastic to see the inspirational work at the great Bower Park Academy in bringing together young people from China and the UK for exciting and impactful mutual learning.”

To learn more about the Be Proud to Host programme, visit: